
Showing posts from January, 2024

Mayursia Government to Temporarily Limit Functions untill March 12

Raj Mahal, Dharmapur - In an informal announcement, the Government of Mayursia has disclosed its decision to temporarily limit its functions, both domestically and in external engagements. This move, scheduled to be in effect until March 12, 2024, is part of a strategic pause to facilitate internal reviews, planning, and a short break for all government officials. During this period, normal activities within the government will be temporarily suspended, allowing officials to focus on their other personal areas that are crucial for them. The Agenda2024, which outlines the government's strategic plans and priorities for the upcoming year, is set to be officially released on March 12, 2024. While the government acknowledges the temporary nature of this limitation, it assures the public that all essential services and functions will continue without interruption. The government has also expressed its gratitude for the understanding and patience of citizens and stakeholders during this